Social Philosophy Today has extended the deadline for submission to December 31, 2022. The full CFP can be found here:
G5H. North American Society for Social Philosophy Author Meets Critics: Life After Privacy by Firmin DeBrabander Date: Friday, February 24Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm Chair: Celeste Harvey (College of Saint Mary)Author: Firmin DeBrabander (Maryland Institute College of Art)Critics: Paul Showler (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology)“Reconstructing Privacy: Remarks on Life After Privacy” Ethan
We write to you as the Nominating Committee for the North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) because you are or have been a member of the society. The Nominating Committee is tasked to propose candidates for the four-year executive officers of the society. In association with its annual meeting in
North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) CALL FOR PAPERS Group Session at the APA Central Division Meeting Theme: SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY IN SCI-FI [Meeting is scheduled in Denver, Colorado, from February 22 – 25, 2023] Gene Roddenberry who created Star Trek in the 1960s used the original TV series to comment on racism and