Hannah Arendt Circle

Hannah Arendt Circle

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for the 14TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HANNAH ARENDT CIRCLE April 16-18, 2020 The Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College Washington DC The Arendt Circle meets annually to share research on any aspect of Hannah Arendt’s work. Deadline for Submission: December 1 Submit a 750-word abstract, prepared for anonymous

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The 37th International Social Philosophy Conference

Sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy Neumann University Aston, Pennsylvania July 16-18, 2020 Proposals in all areas of social philosophy are welcome, but special attention will be devoted to: Respect, Social Action, and #MeToo Some possible paper topics include: Dissent and disrespect  Respect and allyship Social media and

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