AMINTAPHIL 2018 Conference on Democracy, Populism, and Truth August 16-19, 2018 Boston University, Boston, MA Due Date: June 30, 2018 We invite submissions for the 2018 biannual conference of the American Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (AMINTAPHIL) on the topic of Democracy, Populism, and
The 35th Annual International Social Philosophy Conference will be held at Oakland University in Michigan, July 19-21, 2018
Thirty-Fifth International Social Philosophy Conference Sponsored by the North American Society for Social Philosophy with the Department of Philosophy, Oakland University, Rochester, MI July 19-21, 2018 Proposals in all areas of social philosophy are welcome, but special attention will be devoted to: Health, Well-being, and Society Some possible paper topics include:
Joining the North American Society for Social Philosophy is easy! Membership may be obtained through the Philosophy Documentation Center at
CALL FOR PAPERS Congratulations once again on your recent presentation at the 34th Annual International Social Philosophy Conference at Loyola University Chicago. Papers presented at the conference are eligible for consideration for publication in Social Philosophy Today. Although all the articles published in Social Philosophy Today are based on papers presented at