Call for Abstracts: The North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) invites submissions for its group session at the Pacific APA, 2016. The theme of our session will be: “Justice and the Social Ontology of Race” Naomi Zack will be a featured speaker Proposals on topics intersecting this theme, broadly understood,
Call for Papers- Critical Philosophy of Race: Race, Immigration, and Refugees Guest Editor: Dr. Natalie Cisneros, Seattle University In the second half of 2014 President Obama’s plan to take executive action and the growing German anti-immigrant movement both drew international attention and renewed debates about immigration in the twenty-first century. As
“Reiman on Labor, Value, and the Difference Principle” Journal of Ethics vol. 18 no. 1, March 2014 pp. 47-74 “Equality, Universality, and Impartiality— How They Work and Why They Matter” Ch. VI in Uwe Steinhoff, ed., Do All Persons Have Equal Moral Worth? Oxford University Press (2014) “Society and the Inherent/Instrumental Value
Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum upcoming 2015 conference “Ethics Without Borders.” For more information, see SEAC2015
The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology selected the top 33 articles in its 46 year history. Former President William L. McBride’s article “Marxism and Phenomenology” (Vol. 6, number 1, 1975) was on the list! You can read his article for free! To see the entire list, with articles by